Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I've noticed that when things are going really well or really not well at all, I never seem to have time to blog or email. I guess that's because whichever way the pendulum swings, I'm super busy.

That said, I'm thrilled to report that things are sailing along really well at the moment.

Savannah is enjoying all the Halloween festivities from Mattel's annual Halloween Happenings to her parade this morning and cannot wait to go trick or treating tonight. She was an American Girl Flapper Girl and today and tonight is going as a Monster Bride. (pics to follow soon)

Shelby is doing well and her tantrums are down to a minimum. I have been giving her as much attention as physically possible and that (as always) seems to do the trick). She is Sally, the Porsche Carerra for Halloween this year but was highly frustrated this morning when she had to go to school as a Veterinarian as her Sally costume is a bit cumbersome.

Sydney is doing so well I can't believe my eyes. She weights 3 lbs 8 oz as of this morning. When I went in for my daytime visit with her, one of her nurses had dressed all of the babies in little halloween tshirts, socks, mittens and hats and taken pics of them for all of the parents as gifts. It brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my face to see such an adorable sight. Women like her were born to be nurses and are the reason this whole experience is tolerable in any way, shape or form.

As for Cary and I, he is fighting of a cold of sorts and is his usual exhausted self. He's been very helpful lately which I appreciate so much. I am bumbling through each day trying to get at least one thing done a day and taking care of everyone as best I can.

Can't wait until next year's halloween when we're all together and our biggest decision will be what kind of takeout to get before trick or treating :)


Anonymous said...

Its just awesome to read how you all are and your updates are so positive it's encouraging in many ways. You guys are truly blessed with three beautiful girls.
Love from SA. (KarenC)

carrster said...

I can't wait to see some pictures! :)