Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sex and the City

So while my backlog blogging needs some serious work, I couldn't miss the opportuntiy to dish about the Sex and the City movie. Yes I participated in one of the zillions of girls nights out going on across America at the moment and I had to say I had such a lovely time.

The evening was arranged by my girlfriend "V" and while she was the only girl I am close to, I most of the others and it also gave me a chance to meet some new faces that work at Mattel who I had always wondered about.

We started off at PF Changs for martinis and a yummy dinner. I was the first to arrive and after sending back their very berry martini I settled on something called a Lucky Cat which is basically vodka, pineapple juice and Chambord, yum!

Everyone arrived at different times and after my Lucky Cat and another Apple Martini and the scrumptious honey shrimp, I was rather relaxed and enjoying myself. Veronica was ever so sweet and surprised us each with our very own black SATC gift back complete with shocking pink tissue paper, would you believe a designer cookie with an image of the four gals onto a sugar cookie with frosting, a cd of the movie soundtrack and a lollipop, just in case. So cute and it was very cool to see the other large tables of women spying on us with envy:)

Joelle and I went over to start lining up just before seven for the 8pm showing. It was one of those things that in some small way you were kind of excited to be a part of. Its not like we were working on world peace or anything but I really enjoyed seeing this extremely wide variety of women of all ages, races, marital status, some pregnant, weights and cultures come together with the same girlfriend bond.

It was really fun to watch the movie and obvious we weren't the only gals who had had a few martinis but it was one of those things where a funny part was even funnier by everyone laughing. Just a really good time.

For the movie itself I loved it. I am not a picky movie critic by any stretch of the imagination but I felt that it had the right balance of hapiness and sadness and I felt like it had some very realistic parts and sometimes everything isn't perfect and that's okay. I think there was something in it for everyone, regardless of your age or marital status etc. The only two things that bothered me ever so slightly was I would have liked to see a little bit more of Charlotte's home life with her husband and a little less of Jennifer Hudson. Louise was a cute character don't get me wrong but I just wanted Carrie to spend more time with her girlfriends but then again isn't that life? The other is that I wanted Charlotte to either just adopt another little baby or be okay with what she had. I was happy for her and all but I always think of my friends who try endlessly to fall pregnant and sometimes things just don't work out that way that they become a mom another way. I just felt that to give Charlotte everything including a pregnancy was a little over the top.

Anyway, I had an awesome time and it was one of those female experiences that need not be shared with men. They don't get it and I doubt they ever will.... and sometimes that's just fine too. Perhaps in some way some good secrets are just better kept:)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Backlog Blogging

So I am finally updating my blog but will be filing them in back log based on the months or weeks of when these things happened. Its not that I don't want to blog but as I shared with a friend yesterday, I have all these thoughts and stories in my head however getting the uninterrupted time to actually type them out is a whole nother story. For now it is 7:40am and I have been up since six, fed my baby, had some coffee, caught up on an episode of Desperate Housewives from over a week ago. Now my two older daughters have joined us and are watching a program that is keeping them somewhat entertained while my baby girl Sydney has most likely filled her diaper and fallen asleep being the sweet little angel she is. I am going to capitalize on this time and while I don't like the idea of dirty diapers, I have to get some typing done otherwise I will never remember what it was I had intended to say for the last six weeks.

No sooner have I typed the above, the two older girls have started a debate on what they would like to watch and baby is now awake so I must change her :)

Hopefully I shall return!!!

Oh and shall I mention that my husband is fast asleep oblivious to all of this!