Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What I now know....

So I had hoped to find the quality time that I have been craving to blog and read and such and while I have done this a little I have also really enjoyed my time away to relax, socialize and just do whatever I like. From this week away I have realized a few things...namely (in no particular order):

  • I like being and could imagine myself living in a cold climate.
  • Am truly English at heart and am one of the few people that love English food.
  • My baby sister will always be my baby and all that goes with that dynamic (she still steals my hairbrush and likes to sit in the front seat so she doesn't get car sick...)
  • I love my extended family very much. They are my people and I am most comfortable when I am with them. They remind me that I am not weird or quirky and that I am part of something.
  • My extended family does help me appreciate my immediate family and realize that everyone has problems big and small just in different context.
  • I am addicted to Steak pies.
  • I have self control when it comes to eating, shopping and other things and it is up to me to exercise at my discretion.
  • Its okay not to miss my kids because they are totally fine and the little I take for me gives me more to give to them.
  • I have had a really shitty year that is now behind me but that I didn't acknowledge at the time.
  • I need to reclaim myself as the master of my destiny and get back in the driver's seat.
  • I appreciate a dry sense of humor and am sure I have annoyed people by laughing a lot this week. Even at the expense of a dead cat named bubbles.
  • My sister is truly one of my best friends and a gift I treasure.
  • I enjoy hanging out in a quiet space as much as trapesing through London and in equal proportion.
  • Living in the US gives one a jaded sense of safety as the world is a really scary space.
  • There are a lot of people out there that need help of all different kinds.
  • Its so nice to begin and end a thought without interruption.


Anonymous said...

That was a double treat... I missed your first post which must have been a week or two ago, visited today expecting to see Sarah Jessica Parker - and there you have it... 2 new posts!

Always a fun read.

Glad you enjoyed your trip.. Saw some pics on Nads facebook pages - you are looking great!!

Keep well.. If I dont chat to you before then, I hope you all have an awesome Christmas!!!


carrster said...

Whohooo! you're back. Or at least you were..... Good to read your newest posts. makes me think more about our convo yesterday. Ay yi yi. Life is complicated, eh? I can't wait til our cruise. I am daydreaming about it now! ha!